Monthly Recap March - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lombok Utara Regency

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Monthly Recap March

Monthly Recap March

April 1, 2024 | Other Activities

During March, what was Lombok Utara Regency BPS doing?

During March our activities include:
1. Annual Construction Company Survey
2. Construction Directory Updating (UDP) Survey
3. Peanut Secondary Crops Tiles
4. Annual Fish Cultivation Report
5. Hotel Room Occupancy Level Survey (VHTS)
6. Entry and Evaluation of Susenas Seruti
7. Development of Sectoral Statistics

Apart from that, there are still other activities that are held via Zoom Meeting, you know.

We would like to thank all respondents who always support our activities by providing honest information.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Lombok Utara (Statistics of Lombok Utara Regency) Jl. Raya Gangga-Bayan


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