National Socio Economic Survey2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lombok Utara Regency

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National Socio Economic Survey2015

National Socio Economic Survey2015

March 1, 2015 | BPS Activities

The National Economic and Social Survey (Susenas) is a survey designed to collect social data that is relatively very broad population. Data generated Susenas be data of various socio-economic aspects and fulfillment of life such as food, clothing, housing, education, health, safety and employment. Such data are needed by the government as information achievement of development programs and to determine how far the development programs implemented have improved the welfare of society.
Susenas first implemented in 1963. In 1992, data collection systems Susenas refurbished, the information used to develop indicators of people's welfare (Welfare) contained in the module (questionnaires collected once every three years) is pulled into the core (questionnaire collected each year). Since then, every year in Susenas available data device can be used to monitor the welfare of the community, to formulate a government program specifically intended to improve the welfare of certain sectors of society, and analyze the impact of various programs improve the welfare of the population.
In the last two decades, until 2010, Susenas designed to have 3 modules (Module Consumption / Household Expenditure, Social Module, Culture and Education, and Housing and Health Module) .Sesuai by turn, in 2012 implemented modules Module Susenas Social and Culture and Education. Starting in 2011 the collection of data consumption / household expenditure carried out on a quarterly basis. Each year of data collection was conducted in March (the first quarter), June (the second quarter), September (third quarter), and December (fourth quarter). Samples Susenas MSBP 2012 is sampled Susenas third quarter of 2012. Data from MSBP Susenas enumeration can be presented at national and provincial levels.
In accordance with the annual 5 cycles, in 2012, BPS has designed the Cost of Living Survey (SBH) with the aim to produce the commodity basket and weigh diagram in the calculation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Data consumption of food and non-food as well as household characteristics (ruta) collected in SBH and SUSENAS concept / definition of the same, but the execution time of both surveys differ.
In 2011 - 2014, SUSENAS conducted quarterly with a sample of 75,000 ruta to quarterly estimates of national and provincial level, as well as annual estimates at the district / city with a cumulative sample of 300,000 ruta. Starting in 2015, SUSENAS done every semester.
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